Available: SUMMER
This Helles is a great example of the style, and packs a surprising amount of complexity and flavor while retaining all the crispness and quaffability one would expect in a lighter beer. This one is not to be missed!
ABV: 5.0% / IBU: 21
AVAILABLE IN: 16oz cans, Sixtels, Kegs
Appearance: Pours a bright pale gold with a pillowy white head and brilliant clarity. Light sticky lacing throughout.
Aroma: Pleasant fresh malt graininess, light cereal sweetness with a touch of honey. Hops are subtle, imparting light floral notes.
Flavor: Flavors of fresh bread and malt sweetness give way to cereal with a touch of honey. Complex but rounded out by just the right amount of noble hop bitterness, leading to an exceedingly clean finish.
Mouthfeel: Light-bodied and refreshingly crisp with noticeable carbonation, as is true to style.
Malt Bill:
Admiral Maltings: Admiral Pils
Admiral Maltings: Midway
Admiral Maltings: Chit Malt
Weyermann: Acidulated Malt
Hop Bill:
Hallertau Hersbrucker
German Lager Yeast