


Crisp and refreshing Mexican lager with notes of lime in aroma and flavor and a touch of corn.


Originating in Mexico during the late 19th century, this style was influenced by German and Austrian immigrants who brought with them lager brewing techniques and a love for crisp, clean beers.  

ABV: 4.8% / IBU: 19
AVAILABLE IN: Sixtels, Kegs, 6/12oz Cans

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Appearance: Pours rich, light-golden color with a pillowy white head. Brilliant clarity.

Aroma: Subtle breadiness with a honey presence. Faint earthy noble hop character with an overall clean and inviting nose.

Flavor: Mild bready malt and honey slowly give way to a cereal/grainy sweetness with a hint of straw. Bitterness is low with a faint earthy quality, making every sip pleasant and refreshing.

Mouthfeel: Crisp bodied and effervescent. Clean finish.

Malt Bill: Superior Pilsner Malt, Flaked Corn, Flaked Bown Rice, Dextra Pils

Hop Bill:
Bittering: Motueka
Flavor/Aroma: Motueka

Yeast: German Lager Yeast