An American hoppy ale, with a bright nose, distinctive texture — bold on the palate, dry finish.
Inspired by the great West Coast IPAs that helped cement IPA as one of the most popular beer styles, Gold IPA adds a healthy dose of wheat to the grain bill, conferring a rich malt character and mouthfeel. The hop bill and hopping regimen are designed to deliver a balanced, clean finish to the experience.
ABV: 7.3% / IBU: 60
AVAILABLE IN: 16oz and Sequoia Cans, Sixtels, Kegs
Appearance: Light gold to honey, excellent head retention.
Aroma: Bright citrus and pine.
Flavor: Hop-forward, dry wheat, clean finish.
Mouthfeel: Medium body with bright carbonation.
Malt Bill: Pearl, White Wheat, Rye, Caramel Rye
Hop Bill: Simcoe
Yeast: English Ale Yeast